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Of course there are many inventive ways to increase your earnings through these programs, but I would advise you to stay legit.  False identifications, illegal programs, and other cheating mechanisms can be punishable by law. 

The Pay Programs have tracking devices in them anyhow, so don't let them catch you cheating their system.  If you have any questions regarding this topic you can contact me and I will respond.


You can just sit on your own profits from the viewbar, or you can double, tripple or even quintuple your profits by getting a referral struture. 

Each program has its own referal payout structure that benefits you greatly.  As I am attempting to do with this site, recruiting people to sign up with your referral number will bring you great profits. 

Because each program is different, although similar, I will go into more detail for each individual program on their related pages on this website.


Being aware of what you are doing with these pay programs can make the difference when it comes to check cutting time.  You can choose to take the passive stance and just allow your time to accumulate as it does, or you can become somewhat active and manage your time better.

By this I mean that allowing your program to run with other programs, making sure that you get the MAX hours allowed, and conforming to all of the rules for each differnt viewbar.  You can make this as confusing as you like, but it really is nothing worse than balancing a checkbook. 

Each individual program site I have will go more into detail over the ways to maximize your time and minimize your efforts.  Because each program is different, little details can make the difference between $20 and $200 a month.

OTHER HINTS TO BE ADDED SOON......Going to bed now.

Last updated on January 10th, 2000

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